Health & Safety – Statement of Intent
It is our intent to demonstrate an on-going and determined commitment to improving health, safety, and wellbeing throughout our organisation and that of our stakeholders and clients. We will ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing at work of all our people and any other persons who may be affected by our work activities.
We will comply with the requirements of occupational health and safety legislation, incorporating health and safety responsibilities into job descriptions and ensuring adequate fitness to work checks, training, ongoing competence management and resources, to ensure all our people and sub-contractors are not adversely affected by the work they undertake.
Health, safety, and wellbeing will be integrated into our communications, wherever appropriate and we encourage open communication and empower all our people, sub-contractors, and stakeholders to report health and safety concerns.
Senior management will ensure health and safety is adequately risk assessed, controlled, and monitored and that our people are actively involved in the development of health and safety controls, which when finalised will be formally communicated to all involved. We will take action to prevent, reduce or control risks to an acceptable level and reduce the potential for incidents and accidents. We will report and investigate accidents, incidents and near misses to drive continuous improvement in our health and safety management.
I support and encourage the reporting of risks in the workplace and would personally ask all our people of highlight anything which they believe could cause them harm whilst at work. Senior management will demonstrate leadership in health, safety and wellbeing and will undertake workplace inspections, to ensure that any issues are identified, assessed.
We will actively and openly, review and report on our health and safety performance against published objectives and targets. Improvement plans will be developed to support the delivery of these objectives and targets.
Our Health & Safety Policy will be circulated to all our people and sub-contractors and will form part of the Assignment Instructions and Event Plan for each site. It is the duty of all our people to familiarise themselves with its contents, in order to make themselves aware of the individual procedures applicable to their place of work.
I will ensure this policy is reviewed annually, effectively communicated and give my committment and that of the senior team, to its effective implementation.
This policy is publicly available on request.
Authorised by: John Malcolm, Managing Director